The DIN 2098 standard includes a selection of cold formed cylindrical compression springs From 0.1 to 10 mm wire thickness in 525 standardized compression spring dimensions. The compression springs are of quality grade 2 according to DIN EN 15800 from normal Spring steel wire EN 10270-1DH (up to 1.8 mm wire thickness) and -1SH (from 1.8 mm wire thickness). They are right-wound (clockwise) with an even pitch. Up to a wire diameter of 0.45 mm are the spring ends “applied”, larger wire gauges have “applied and ground” end vibrations. The compression springs are tempered and depending on Setting behavior , superior.

Today, the DIN 2098 standard, which used to ensure quick selection of compression springs and delivery in small numbers, has lost its value. Many spring manufacturers have long since expanded their range of articles based on the DIN 2098 standard. So too Gutekunst Federn that today in their Spring catalog offers a standard range of 12,603 dimensions from stock. The compression spring dimensions according to DIN 2098 sheet 1 and 2 are summarized below.

Compression spring formula explanation

d wire diameter (mm)
D Mean coil diameter (mm)
Dd Largest mandrel diameter (mm)
Fn maximum force under static load (N)
L0 unstressed spring length (mm)
sn greatest spring deflection with static load (mm)
n Number of spring coils (St.)
R spring rate (N / mm)
Weight per piece (g)

Compression springs according to DIN 2098
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