Procurement metal springs Gutekunst FedernWith the electronic product catalog, you as a purchaser have direct access to all data from the Gutekunst spring catalog. You can easily integrate the structured catalog data into your e-procurement solution and transfer it to your company’s internal ordering process. Gutekunst supports various formats for electronic product catalogs, such as BMECat, CIF, CSV and Excel. After registration in FEDERNSHOP you can download the electronic spring catalog completely or in individual product groups.


BMECat 1.2 | BMECat 2005

BMECat was developed at the instigation of the Bundesverband Materialwirtschaft Einkauf und Logistik e.V. (German Association of Materials Management Purchasing and Logistics) and leading German companies and is now one of the most widely used electronic catalog formats. The BMECat format is based on XML technology and enables the rapid standardized integration of catalog data and product classifications such as eCl@ss, UNSPSC, etc. in e-procurement and enterprise resource planning systems. Gutekunst Federn offers BMECat data in version 1.2 and 2005.

CIF (Catalog Interchange Format)

CIF is also a standardized catalog format like BMECat, and also enables the fast transfer of catalog data into the e-procurement and merchandise management system. The CIF format was developed by Ariba | SAP specifically for electronic commerce.

CSV (Comma Separated Values)

CSV is a text file for the exchange of structured data. Instead of storing data in columns, in CSV files they are separated by column separators “;” (semicolon). Gutekunst catalog data can thus be integrated into many other programs.


Excel catalog data also contains all relevant article data in tabular form. In the classic spreadsheet program, you can customize the data according to your requirements.


Download data

You have a procurement program (eProcurement) in use in your company. Then simply register briefly at or log in with your existing login data. After that you can download the desired electronic catalog format under “My account”in the section“Electronic spring catalog in BMECat, CIF, CSV and Excel“. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Mugrauer at telephone (+49) 07123 960-146 or


For more information:

Electronic product catalog of Gutekunst Federn
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