Before interpreting the Compression spring It should basically be clarified whether the intended type of stress is static, quasi-static or dynamic. Static or quasi-static stress Time-constant (resting) load or time-changing load with less than 10,000 strokes in total or small
Spring materials with high fatigue strength
Whether spring steel, bronze or brass wire – everyone Spring material has a specific strength. This determines the degree of mechanical resistance, for example if it comes to plastic deformation or separation. The characteristic values for the strength can with
Function and strength verification for compression springs
Every spring design of a compression spring consists of two stages : 1. The proof of function, with the verification of the dimensions, spring rate, forces, spring travel and vibration behavior. 2. The proof of strength, with the verification of
Ball blasting of metal springs
What is shot peening? Shot peening is a special kind of Surface treatment . In the process, blasting media are accelerated in special systems and hit the surface of the workpieces to be processed, such as Metal springs , steered.
Goodman Chart
The Goodman diagram enables the representation of the Fatigue strength of coil springs. It can be traced back to the Smith chart. This is used to calculate the fatigue strength of dynamically stressed components where the load is pulsating or
Fatigue strength
The term fatigue strength comes from materials science. It describes the deformation and failure behavior of an oscillating (dynamically) loaded material for a defined number of cycles. Especially at heavily used compression springs it is important to record the fatigue