To absorb forces and movements are sometimes also Spring systems used. Due to the different arrangement of Compression springs A wide variety of force properties can be generated.

Combined spring characteristic
Combined spring characteristic

Simple spring systems are:

Compression springs parallel connection

The springs are arranged in such a way that the external load “F” is proportionally divided between the individual springs, but the travel of the individual springs is the same. So it results:

Parallel connection of compression springs

Total suspension travel: s = s1 = s2 = s3

Total spring force: F = F1 + F2 + F3

Total spring rate: R = R1 + R2 + R3

annotation : The Spring rate of the overall system of a Parallel connection is always greater than that Spring rate of the individual springs.

Compression springs connected in series

The springs are arranged one behind the other so that the same force acts on each spring, but the spring travel is divided between the individual springs. So it results:

Series connection of compression springs

Total suspension travel: s = s1 + s2 + s3 + …

Total spring force: F = F1 = F2 = F3 = …

Total spring rate: Druckfeder Reihenschaltung Gesamtfederrate

annotation : The spring rate of the overall system of a Series connection is always smaller than that Spring rate of the individual springs.

Compression springs Mixed circuits of individual springs

In the Mixed circuit several springs are connected in parallel and one behind the other. The following formula results for the total spring rate:

Compression springs_mixing circuit

Druckfedern Mischschaltung Gesamtfedrrate
Because of the equilibrium, R1 = R2 and R3 = R4 must be.
annotation : The spring rate of the overall system of the mixer circuit shown is between the smallest and largest Spring rate of the individual springs.
Supplementary links
Compression springs spring systems